Know what it means
to truly live FREE!
In-office and Virtual Therapy for
Individuals, Couples, and Parents in Florida
Who am I ?!?
I do not recognize myself anymore.
Why do I always feel anxious and afraid?
What happened to me?
There has got to be more for me in life than this.
Searching for answers and coming up empty.
I have tried everything to change my situation.
I am so confused and tired. It is hard to think clearly.
I feel like there is no help for me.

Every day I get up and put on a “happy face.”
I feel so isolated. No one understands me.
Everybody else seems so happy. Why can’t I be happy too?
People will judge me or feel sorry for me if they know how hard I struggle.
I am secretly ashamed. I blame myself. Maybe I don’t deserve happiness.
The most I can do is continue hiding and maybe things will get better on their own.

I think I know the right step. But I am so uncertain. What will it matter anyway? I am so afraid to make more mistakes. Nothing I ever do turns outright.

I cannot believe I am in this place, again! I have lost everything I worked so hard for – friends, a great job, my self-respect. I was determined NOT to end up like my mother in relationships that hurt me. It seems like the harder I tried to avoid this fate, the more I wound up digging myself into a deeper, darker hole. How could I do this to my kids? What kind of mother am I?
I am so angry at myself, at him, at God, at everyone. Is there any help for me?? Will I ever be free of this fear, guilt, and shame?

I have the hardest time staying focused. My mind seems to go in a hundred directions at once. I am constantly losing things. It drives me crazy. Then I end up biting everybody’s head off!
I know I have strengths and some good things to offer. I mean, I see myself succeeding – if I could just finish a third of what I start. It gets overwhelming, and then I get these feelings of sadness and a suffocating sense of dread to the point that I cannot even breathe.
I try hard to push myself, but I feel like everybody is against me. Things just don’t happen for me the way they should, as they do for everyone else. I mean, other people are moving forward with their lives. Why can’t I? What am I doing wrong? What is wrong with me?

He’s a sweet boy. He’s smart, too. He just can’t sit still. No matter how many times we tell him, he won’t keep his hands to himself. And that temper. He has lost more than a few friends because of it. I am scared one day that it may get him into some real trouble.
We have tried everything, or at least I think we have. Nothing seems to work! It’s like he does things without thinking. People say he just needs a good whipping. I just cannot bring myself to do that. But, we need to do something because it seems it is only getting worse.
Am I doing something wrong? Did I cause this? I never thought having a child could be so difficult.
Living FREE is possible.
From the moment you choose to engage in therapy, the wheels of change are set in motion.
As a participant in your healing process, you will begin to open your eyes, mind, and heart to new perspectives and possibilities.
Doors you once grieved over and presumed were closed lose their significance as new opportunities, and paths begin to open to you.
Investing in therapy will help you better understand your options through the process of self-discovery.
The power you possess to choose from among those options is your choice to LIVE FREE!

Hi, I’m Terri.

Little did I realize at the time how symbolic that was. It really revealed something about the essence of who I am as a therapist and as a person. No, it’s not about the lamp itself. More specifically, it’s about the light it provides. When asked “why” I chose the lamp, I did not have to think about my answer. I simply said, “’cause I want to be a light.”
That was over 20 years ago, and I can still say, with all of life’s unexpected peaks and valleys, disappointments, delays, denials, and deliverances, I STILL desire to be a light to those I love and serve.
Now, if you find people who always see the glass as half-full irritating, save yourself some time, stop reading, and search elsewhere. My glass is always half-full. I have a knack for seeing others’ gifts and strengths and somehow, without even telling them, help them to see it for themselves. I subscribe to the belief that where the focus goes, the energy flows!
I will always support you in discovering and focusing on the positives in your life, building on your strengths, and empowering you with skills to help you manage and maintain harmony. I will work with you to learn, recognize, accept, and challenge barriers that block progress on the road to living free and enjoying the life you envision and deserve. Because of my years of education, faith, and lived experiences, I am well equipped to partner with you to accomplish your goals!
You see, to “LIVE FREE,” light is required to illuminate the darkness. Once that happens, the result is clarity. I am here to listen intently, build on the strengths you forgot you have, increase your options, develop new skills, and break through perceived barriers and toxic thoughts to Live Free.

What I Offer
Terri is very thoughtful and very professional. She’s a great listener and provides sound advice and great resources. I highly recommend her service.
The amount a genuine positive energy, clinical knowledge and insight Terri has is truly profound. Her personality alone brings you to a space of safety, where you can confidently share your concerns and she helps you to find a meaningful solution filled with tips and skills that help you along your journey. The ambiance of her office is always tranquil. She makes time and is very accomating for various lifestyles and schedules. Truly a positive experience all around. Her tips and exercises along with ability to help individuals incorporate faith if they choose to keeps you grounded and truly promotes success. I highly recommend her services.
Where do I start! I would be nowhere near where I am today if not for Terri’s help. 5 Stars does not do her justice. For the past 16 years I have not been able to live my life due to my severe anxiety. It has refrained me from being able to go in an elevator, getting on an airplane and even driving on highways. I felt stuck and alone in my situations. Terri helped me cope and overcome my anxiety through various techniques. As of today, she has helped me regain control over my life with nothing to hold me back, and for that I will never be able to repay her for helping this become my reality. Thank you Terri, and here is to now being able to live my life to the fullest once again.
Never underestimate the power of NOW!
I have seen it over and over.
That look in a person’s eyes when they grasp the truth that options exist.
More importantly, those options exist for them. It’s like an awakening,
a clear, clean pivot, sprint, then a full-on run toward FREEDOM.
It can be yours. Don’t underestimate the power of NOW.
It is within reach. Just take the next right step and call me for your free 15-minute consultation