
You have been considering therapy for a long while.

But how? When? You cannot seem to figure out how to make it fit into your very busy lifestyle.

Every time you are ready to move forward, some recent change in schedule interferes. The kids have sports. Your partner has a new project at work that requires overtime. Your mother needs your attention and support because she just doesn’t move around independently as she used to. On top of all of that, no matter how many times you promise yourself that you will not bring work home from the office, you find yourself caught in a vicious cycle of feeling as if you cannot stay ahead of it all.

You notice that recently you are experiencing more anxiety and sometimes panic at the thought of not getting it all done. Your time is more valuable than money. You believe that investing in yourself helps to improve the quality of your life. You know the time has come to look for professional support to help you deal with your stress and manage anxiety.

Your life, that schedule, those demands make you the perfect candidate for telehealth virtual counseling sessions. But, you have questions.

How do I know telehealth is effective and safe?

Many people searching for mental health counseling or life coaching are hesitant to consider online therapy (Virtual) counseling as an option for the same reasons.

You should know…

The research is clear. A 2019 survey cited by Good Rx found that nearly 85% of clients believe online therapy was as good or better than in-person sessions.

Your safety and confidentiality are a serious matter! A password-protected Zoom Room is reserved for individual and group therapy sessions. A new password is generated for each session. Meeting participation is by personal invitation only. Sessions are not recorded. As an additional safety measure, the client is manually admitted into the therapy room by the host.

Does telehealth offer any benefits?

You should know…

Convenience is a huge benefit of telehealth and a vital part of quality care.

In fact, in a survey from 2015, nearly 80% of people said that access to care is more important than face-to-face interactions. Your telehealth session provides high-quality care from a licensed health professional – all from the comfort and privacy of your own home or safe space.

Telehealth can help you save time and money, too. Consider this…

  • There’s no commute time.
  • There are no transportation costs.
  • You don’t have to spend time in a waiting room.
  • You don’t have to take as much time away from work.
  • You don’t have to pay for a babysitter or caregiver.

When you agree to telehealth therapy with me, you can expect that I will create a comfortable, safe, judgment-free zone in my virtual office just like I would in a physical one.

You will see me in my virtual office using noise-canceling headphones, the equivalent to soundproofing in a physical one. I invite you to wear earbuds are headphones too if that helps you to focus and feel comfortable.

I dress for our virtual sessions, in the same way I would for in-person sessions.

I encourage you to dedicate your special time by finding a quiet room or space, free from distractions.

There is no better time than NOW.

We often put off what we know we should do because we convince ourselves that we are waiting for the “perfect time.” The “perfect time” does not exist.

There is no better time than NOW to invest in yourself.

Call now to set up your free consultation:  (561) 614-2266.