Couples Therapy

“We cannot seem to have a conversation without disagreeing.”

I never know what to say to her. Everything pisses her off.

Women! I cannot seem to say the right thing. So, why say anything at all? Nothing I do is right.

“He does not spend time with me anymore.”

I work, take care of the house and the children.

I am so tired. If I knew this is what being together would be like, I would have never signed up for it. I thought we would spend more time together. I mean, I did not expect perfection, but this is just pitiful. I don’t know what to do.

I need answers.

Communication is the lifeblood of relationships.

Without it, nothing survives. Who would have thought that just talking would be so difficult?

The reason it is so difficult is that men and women speak completely different languages. Add to that two distinct personalities, histories, and sets of expectations, and you could quite possibly have a recipe for the perfect storm.

Learning to understand each other takes commitment, patience, and practice. As your therapist, I can help you to master the process.

Sometimes couples need help to understand each other…

… to express themselves in healthy ways to sustain and grow their relationships. When couples come to me for support, one or both are concerned that I will take one side over the other. That’s not my role.

My role is to support both of you in resolving issues by providing you with information and tools to understand each other, stop blaming, stop stonewalling, and communicate.

We may begin with assessments that will teach each of you something new about the other. Role-playing, journaling, completing process assignments, and intentional activities together outside of our therapy sessions add value and depth to our work together. The process by reminding you why you fell in love and got married.

Your relationship and family are worth fighting for.

Let me support you by providing opportunities for you to rediscover why you fell in love.

Confused? Calling for help is the next right step if you think your relationship is in trouble. I am here for you now: (561) 614-2266.