Christian Counseling

Christian Counseling for Girls & Women

How could this happen?

You believe in God.

You believe in His word.

You thought becoming a Christian meant that your life was going to be better. But you feel so confused, hurt, and angry.

On the one hand, you believe God loves you. On the other hand, you just can’t wrap your mind around why a loving God would allow such suffering.

Questioning your salvation… you are seeking relief and solace.

You have heard it over and over…

“God never puts more on you than you can bear.”

But this weight, this load, is so heavy, and you’re afraid. Afraid of what people will think of you and what they will say. Scarred by your past full of betrayal and rejection – it’s isolating, paralyzing, and you feel trapped.

No one could understand.
Is this what being a Christian means?
Why is God so silent?

Where is He now when you need him the most?

To everything, there is a season (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8).

If this is true, that means there is a season for counsel.

The Bible has a lot to say about seeking wise counsel. Proverbs 11:14 states, “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in the abundance of counselors there is victory.”

You may shy away from seeking help for many reasons: culture, religious tradition, fear, shame, lack of time, thinking that it is just not for you are just a few of them. But, you should know, if you are experiencing pain and having difficulty getting beyond it, counseling is for you.

If you are sad and crying all the time, anxious, or have an overwhelming sense of guilt, counseling is for you.

Challenging relationships with your partner, parents, or children? Counseling is for you.

Counseling can help you work through your most painful situations, bounce back stronger, be more focused, and push your fears aside.

During our first session, you can share the story of what happened to you. I will listen without judgment and get a good understanding of your situation and needs. I may ask you to complete an assessment to document your starting point and pinpoint which areas need the most help first.

Sometimes, I use handouts or worksheets to help you clearly understand how the process of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors work together. The handouts are yours to keep and refer to. In addition, I will teach you mindfulness and relaxation coping skills/techniques that will help reduce stress and anxiety.

You have permission to cry, scream, yell, laugh, or be silent. All are necessary for your healing and growth. You will learn the art of communicating with others. I will support you as you learn the practical application of God’s word to manage yourself better and continue to grow in relationship with your Heavenly Father.

That is the beginning of coming to love, accept, and be kind to yourself. Once you do, extending the same grace to others, combined with your new skills, will be easy. You will see your life and relationships transform.

There is no need to hide.

There is no shame in seeking counsel. It is an act of wisdom and humility to recognize and request help when you need it.

A key to the success of this process is requesting support from the right person. The right person to provide you with counsel is experienced, both practically and intellectually, and someone who can be objective.

I am your person. I am called to counsel. I am here to help you learn to live out your purpose as God intended… LIVE FREE!

Call today for your free consultation:(561) 614-2266.