Those ideas, dreams, and plans swirling around in your head…
You envision what it would be like if you lived out those ideas, dreams, and plans.
You may have an idea for a new business venture.
Dreamt of being married and having children. You may have been planning to pursue your passions.
Sometimes, those things seem so far away, and you wonder if they’ll ever happen. Realizing what you want out of life can be overwhelming, especially if you feel isolated or alone.
I want to work with you to make this a better life.
I work with both children and adults – ages 3 to 55.
Are you a victim of abuse or trauma?
Do you or your children struggle with ADD/ADHD?
Maybe you struggle with negative or racing thoughts because of depression or anxiety.
You may experience so much pressure because of all the things you are trying to juggle. As a result, you feel irritable, short, and stressed. You have lost your zeal and feel totally burned out.
Are you a parent whose child has gotten on your very last nerve?
If so, I bet we’re a good fit to work together!
Let’s be completely honest about what you’re getting yourself into…
Therapy should be like walking into a cozy room on a winter day. You wrap yourself up in your favorite soft, fluffy blanket and lounge on the couch with a delicious cup of coffee or tea and your faithful dog, Jax. Right?
Therapy, done right, is a lot of emotional self-exploration, digging, unearthing, discovering, releasing, reflecting, reframing, and, ultimately, rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.
To be frank, self-exploration is like standing in front of a full-length mirror, with all the lights on and shedding one piece of clothing at a time. It takes courage and determination.
At first, if you are anything like me, you cannot bear to look straight into the mirror. You fear what you may see. You may even be critical of yourself. You may cry, emotionally eat, or binge on ROM-COMS, or scream. You contemplate regrets, lessons learned, lost friendships, and missed opportunities. And at the end of each session, you feel lighter as you experience a sense of relief replacing the heavy weight you have had for so long.
Repeating this process over some time allows you to appreciate the person staring back at you. You see things that you may have never seen before. You experience feelings that you would otherwise avoid because it is easier that way. You embrace forgiving yourself and those who hurt you.
Because at the end of this long journey is the satisfaction of knowing that you are worth the work!
As your therapist, I will be with you every step of the way.
I’ll gently lead and encourage you, pointing out your progress and helping you work through your challenges and those thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that no longer serve you.
I will equip you with skills to integrate into your everyday life to feel more control.
I’ll provide you with optional processing assignments (e.g., journaling) so that even when we are not in session, your mind is helping you work out and work through faulty thinking and beliefs about yourself and others.
This work is never about me. It’s all about YOU!
You’ll have a safe space where you can dare to share the things that have hurt, disappointed, or discouraged you. This is where healing begins.
You cannot heal what you do not reveal.
There is power and truth in that statement. I say it boldly, and I say it often because I have been there, done that, and brought home the t-shirt!
About Me

After working 30 years in mental health…
After having done both front-line, boots-on-the-ground work with children and families and executive administration, I’m now in a place where I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. I get direct contact with clients and get to call my own shots (within reason, of course).
A window into my world…
“So, tell us about yourself.” After 30 years in the field, I admit I can finesse an interview with confidence. Except when asked, “Tell us about yourself.” I feel like I always botch this answer.
Did I say too much? Did I say enough? Exactly what part of my 50+ years of life should I share in a 90-second response anyway?
Now that I am fairly certain I will never have to interview for a job again (yay me!), I can switch it up a bit and be creative in the way I help you get to know me.
Let’s get the basics out of the way.
Hi, I am Terri. I was born and identify as a female. My pronouns are she, her, hers. My sign is Cancer. I was born in Ohio, raised in Louisiana, and have lived in Florida for approximately 31 years. I am a child of God.
Now for the fun stuff!
I asked my “heartbeats,” my husband of 25 years, my three kids, and my mom to help me share glimpses of myself with you by answering a few brief questions. Here we go.
I asked my 20-year-old daughter Jasmine first. She is the middle of three children and spunky! I asked her if she were to describe me to someone, what would she say. She replied, “Hard-working, honest, cares about people, puts others first, does not take any bull-shit, funny, warm and welcoming.” Then she added, “Oh, and you don’t make people feel left out.” She made me smile as she often does.
Next, I asked my husband. Jasmine followed me into the other room. She’s my shadow. Fireman George was sleeping on the couch. I thought, maybe I can ask him later.
I called my 87-year-old mom, who lives about six miles away from me. I asked, “Mom, how would you describe me to other people in just a few words?” She responded, “Happy, outgoing, and always eager to help others.”
In walks my 16-year-old, 5’10” 215-lb. sports enthusiast, football-playing son. He is always smiling and joking. I asked, “Gavin, what is the most important thing I have taught you?” He replied, “That’s easy, obedience.” I had to dig deeper. I asked, “Why is that the most important thing I have taught you?” His response, “It helps me show respect for people. You know, basic things are important.” He kills me!
I checked on my husband again… still sleeping. Hmmm.
In walks my 22-year-old daughter, my firstborn, Kenidi (pronounced like Kennedy). She’s all legs. I asked her, what is the most fun we have ever had together? Her first response, “Let me think about that for a minute.” She returned in a minute or two and responded, “Our mother-daughter trip to New York City when I turned 16.” Score! Mission accomplished. Memory logged!
George??? Still asleep. I guess his insights will be saved for the next introduction.
If you don’t know by now, faith and family are everything to me!
After them, it’s all about you, honest! If I can help somebody along life’s way, then my living will not be in vain. The best thing about working with my clients is seeing them transform before my eyes. When clients realize the happiness, peace, and freedom they thought was impossible is possible, their eyes light up, their countenance changes, and I swear they walk with a spring in their step! That’s why I do what I do.
I know from experience, if you go through the process, you get to the promise. The process is where people get stuck. I can help you get unstuck and take the next steps toward LIVING FREE!
Take that next step. Your future is far from over.
I want to gift you full permission to live FREE… and equip you with the skills to master your newfound freedom! Healing flings open the windows and doors of your life, giving you the confidence and strength you need to pursue your ideas, dreams, and plans… just as God intended.
My reward is your success! Does that sound too optimistic? Here’s the truth: I am unapologetically in your corner, celebrating you and helping to fix your crown!
Therapy will help you see your potential, possibilities, and strengths with greater clarity and purpose. And, yes, you are worth the work!
It’s your time to trust, to be heard, and to do the next right thing for yourself. It’s your time to heal and be FREE. Don’t think about it. Call now: (561) 614-2266.