Before Attending Group
You are considering attending a Discovery Group for Women ages 19-35.
“Group?! I feel uncomfortable talking with a group of strangers.” Feeling a bit shaky, you go back and forth in your mind about joining.
On the one hand, you feel like this could be a chance to do and learn something new about yourself and maybe even find a friend or two.
“I am not so sure about this, but I really want to leave my fears behind me. I am ready to discover new things about myself and build on them. Maybe I will go the first day just to see what it is like, but I am not talking.”
You are happy to see that the first group is offered at half-price and that it fits into your schedule.
Sign-up looks easy enough. Click the link or scan QR Code provided my name and email address. Then receive a confirmation and payment invoice .
Your First Group Session
The in-person group experience allows for social distancing and masks are optional for everyone’s comfort and safety.
You may feel a little intimidated as you walk into the room full of new faces, even if it is a small group. Seeing a friendly face as I greet you at the door helps relieve some of your stress. At least you know that this is the first group for everyone else in the room, too.
“Maybe they are nervous, too, just like me.”
As you scan the room, you see people seated in chairs arranged in a circle. Your seat is here. The information you received about the group emphasized social distancing and masks for everyone’s safety.
So far, so good. But I am still not saying anything.
By Your Fifth Group Session
By session five, you are not only talking, but you look forward to attending group and feel more comfortable because people listen without judging you. They have all been there. They know what it feels like to walk in your shoes.
You are amazed at how far you have come in such a short period. You enjoy genuine interactions, giving and receiving encouragement, support, activities, gaining more insights into yourself, and learning community resources you can access. Most importantly, now you know you are not alone and no longer have to hide behind the masks of guilt and shame.
You are on your journey to wellness and FREEDOM.
Everyone knows power exists in numbers.
Your decision to participate in group helps to reinforce and ACCELERATE YOUR DISCOVERY PROCESS.
You can expect that everything you share in group is confidential, just as with private sessions. The group occurs weekly for 16 weeks and will never exceed ten members.
Group members start together and graduate together. No drama. No competition. No judgment. You have the opportunity to grow in healthy relationships with one another and work together to support each other’s growth and progress toward FREEDOM!